Unwind and Restore with Sound Baths in Tynemouth
Join our special sound bath relaxation events in Tynemouth
What is a Sound Bath?
A sound bath is a deeply meditative experience in which a range of very soothing, melodic instruments are played including crystal singing bowls, doshi chimes, wave drums and gongs to envelope you in gentle sound waves. You arrive at class in your most comfortable layers and socks for a truly restorative experience as the sound waves bathe you in relaxation.
What are the benefits of a sound bath?
We offer the sound bath classes as an invitation to you to switch off from the daily rush and demands of life, and to treat yourself to the most peaceful of all our classes. The crystal singing bowls are beautiful instruments to listen to and importantly offer many therapeutic benefits including a direct impact on the nervous system, heart rate, digestive and circulatory systems. You may feel a reduction in stress and anxiety as well as a deep relaxation, which can often help improve sleep disturbance as well as alleviate pain.
Do I need prior experience?
The beauty of our sound baths is that absolutely everyone can enjoy their therapeutic qualities. You need no yoga experience, you can lie or sit in any position that you find relaxing, and we offer you bolsters and blankets to be as comfortable as possible.
What can I expect to feel during the sound bath?
Just as we're all individual in our yoga experiences and needs, you will take what you need from the sound bath. You may find it deeply restful, you may even find yourself falling asleep. Alternatively, you may find it a rejuvenating experience. There is no right or wrong way to feel, there is simply 'your' way to feel and enjoy.
Book a Sound Bath Event
“Lie still for an hour whilst someone makes chime and bowl sounds? Mmmm... Right! As I trust Jo and love her yoga sessions in her beautiful studio, I gave it a go. You see, I've created a 'try it once list' to positively accept new ideas and experiences. I tried to be open minded but I know I approached the session thinking it would definitely be a one off. Then Jo started talking, explaining in that calm voice of hers as she guided us to a restful posture. Her voice stopped, the sounds started and my mind drifted. I then heard her voice to say we were coming to an end and I was stunned. During the session I had followed numerous memories from the far past and more recent times. For some reason my brain followed each memory without stress to its conclusion before starting another. It's incredible to say, and I can't really believe I felt this way, but when I came out of the session I felt cleansed, free and light. I love outdoor swimming and compare the session to how being in water in nature makes me feel.”
Julie (Sound Bath convert!!)